
Itisbigger,betterandmorecomplex,andoffersevenmorepossibilitiesforfansofstealthgames.FULLREVIEWPlayStation4.,2018年11月8日—Hitman2islikeaheartystew:itwon'twinanypointsforpresentation,butit'ssojam-packedwithnutritiousingredientsthatyou're ...,2018年11月25日—Fantasticnewleveldesigns,minorbutmeaningfuladditions,andafewexcellentbonuseshelpstrengthentheenduranceoftheHitmanseries.,AsequeltoaPConlygam...

Hitman 2

It is bigger, better and more complex, and offers even more possibilities for fans of stealth games. FULL REVIEW PlayStation 4.

Hitman 2 Review

2018年11月8日 — Hitman 2 is like a hearty stew: it won't win any points for presentation, but it's so jam-packed with nutritious ingredients that you're ...

Hitman 2 Review

2018年11月25日 — Fantastic new level designs, minor but meaningful additions, and a few excellent bonuses help strengthen the endurance of the Hitman series.

Hitman 2

A sequel to a PC only game, Hitman 2 put Agent 47 on the map of the stealth genre. Its huge levels are puzzle-like, they require patience and observation ...

Hitman World of Assassination (PS5) Review

2023年9月28日 — Moving onto the gameplay, Hitman World of Assassination plays incredibly well, with over 5 years of refinements and upgrades. At its core, ...

We got a PS5 for review, so naturally I tested Hitman 2 on it ...

2020年11月8日 — Just a little less than a month as a stadian and loving it. Playing Division 2 and Watch Dogs: Legion atm. Love lack of load times and this ...